Toxic Surprise for Hurley Town Board News - By Steve Ellman/Kingston Wire

Yet another public health matter concerning water supplier Hudson Valley Water Companies emerged at Tuesday's meeting of the Hurley Town Board. Late in the proceedings, Supervisor Mike Boms disclosed that excessive lead had been found in water from HVWC's Pine Street Station, which services 17 households.

Per the U.S. EPA, the maximum contaminant level goal for lead in drinking water is zero “because lead is a toxic metal that can be harmful to human health even at low exposure levels. Lead is persistent, and it can bioaccumulate in the body over time.”

That's a goal, to be clear. State regulations tolerate a certain amount of lead. Cross that line and certain actions are mandatory.

Beyond that, however — and maybe more important — is that Hurley officials were left in the dark for more than a month. 

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Tension Tamer tea might chill out Hurley meetings - by Nick Henderson/HV1


Hurley Town Board - 2-27-24 VIDEO (3 of 3 videos)